T&H Week 6 - Week 8 Story Book

04/10/2017-18/10/2017  Week 6 - Week 8
Gilbert Evander Aligoey [0333258]
Typography and Hypertextuality

Project 1 - Story Book

Lecture Notes

Briefing and Lecture 1 
27/09/2017 (Week 5)

Mr. Vinod started the class with explaining the history of typography. It all begins from the phoenician to roman, at that time writing were done with scratching on a wet clay with stick or carvings on a stone. Then as time goes by, it evolves into the tools and materials that we are using nowadays.

Img 1.1 Phoenician Alphabet and Language

Img 1.2 Roman Alphabet

Roman Capitals ussualy has Square Capitals, it's called "Square" because it was made in a Square. Back then, book was really expensive because it was all made by handwriting, that's why only rich people that can buy books. So the rich ones keep getting smarter with knowledges and the poor ones became more uneducated at that time.

After that lecture, we were given a task to make a storybook (Mr. Babadook). First we have to design of how it looks by using the fonts that were chosen, then animate all of it. 

Lecture 2 

11/10/2017 (Week 7)

This lecture is about understanding the letters, almost every font isn't symmetrical. The uppercase Letters might looks symmetrical but a closer look shows that the left stroke is thinner than the right stroke. 

Learning letterforms, gives us the basic knowledge of how a letter is formed properly. Maintaining X-height (The height in any typeface of lowercase), or the space between the letters, these points are example of the importance in learning the basics of letterforms.

Instructions (Based on the module)

Project 1 (20%)

The Brief 
A Story Book. 

Duration of Assignment 

3 Weeks (Briefing on Week 5) 


Week 8 


Title: Mister Babadook
If it's in a word or in a look
you can't get rid of the Babadook.

If you're a really clever one
and you know what it is to see
then you can make friends with a special one, a friend of you and me.

His name is Mr Babadook and this is his book.
A rumbling sound then 3 sharp knocks
ba Ba-ba DOOK! DOOK! DOOK! That's when you'll know he's around.
You'll see him if you look.
See him in your room at night and you won't sleep a wink. Let me in! *whisper*
I'll soon take off my funny disguise
Take heed of what you've read...*whisper* and once you see what's underneath...


In this project you will be asked to express typographically the content above in a 16-page booklet. No images are allowed. However some very minor graphical elements, i.e. line, shade... might be allowed. 
Utilising the knowledge gained in the exercises and other modules from the same semester, you will use Adobe InDesign to typographically compose and express the text within a given size. And, upon completion you will create a digital ebook utilising the navigation and animation settings to enhance the expressions of your composed text. 


The student must document the above progression in their eportfolio and A4 hardcopy portfolio. The results of the phases must be collated and presented. A thumbnail printout of all 16 pages, and an ebook for desktop viewing must be produced. 


All gathered information (failures, successes, epiphanies, sketches, visual research, printouts, websites, images, charts, etc.) documented logically and chronologically in the A4 Clear Sheet folder. The works must be labelled and dated. 
All gathered information (failures, successes, epiphanies, sketches, visual research, printouts, websites, images, charts, etc.) documented logically and chronologically in the eportfolio for the duration of the project in one post. 
Generated eBook uploaded to the eportfolio and the relevant printouts of the artwork in the determined formats, in the hardcopy portfolio. 
An appreciation of the skills sets and mental discipline required in Typography 
To develop necessary skills and sensibilities for effective typographic communication. 
To introduce the use of Grids, layouts and page flow. 

Project 1 (Week 5- Week 8) - A Story Book


- Sketches
- Adobe In Design
- Font Book
- Name, Student ID, Date

Work Process

Week 5

I haven't installed Adobe Indesign in my PC at that time, so i just making sketches that i will apply in my design later on.

Week 6

The first design that i made wasn't quite good, as it's style isn't consistent and doesn't really look like have a connection from one to another.
So, after i got the feedback from Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul, I changed some of the design of my storybook.

Week 7

Final Submission 

a Story Book 

Google drive linkhere

After some changes, finally this is the final result.

Some Pictures of the Hardcopy Book

Front Cover of The Book

Page 5-6 of The Book

Back Cover of The Book

Final draft of the Story Book assignment


Project 1: A Story Book

First feedback
General Feedback : For the story book project, the credits of the typeset  should be in 7pt (for the cover).                   
Specific Feedback : The Babadook  "O" cant be joined together, because it looks like something related to gunshot or something, so i changed it. And he said that we have to be careful in the spacing of the words.

Second feedback
General FeedBack : Mr. Vinod reminded us to always update our blog, because we might forget the things that he said, and we dont have to animate every text in the story book, it have to be selective.                                                                                                    Specific Feedback : Mr. Vinod said that my work is nearly there, it's good but need a bit of things to make it better.

Third feedback
Specific Feedback : 
Mr. Vinod said that my work is good enough in the animation, but there are some parts that can be improved. He said that my design looks a bit "fun", so i guess that my work is good.


Project 1: A Story Book(Week 5- Week 8) Reflection

Over the past few months, we have been getting much information about typography, I started to see typography as a form of art. We usually type into a documents everyday, and after what I've learnt about typography, my point of view is changed. 

I usually see document as a boring lame thing that we read, but now i kinda enjoy seeing good typography and how they use the space effectively, it's just pleasing.

In this Story Book project, I was able to put into all practice that I've learnt in the past. The Lecturers helped us through the process of it and helped us spot the problems and fix it or gave us ideas on how we can improve it.

I'm actually grateful I've learnt this, because i know it'll going to be useful for me in the future.

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