I&VN Week 8 - Week 10 Graphic Novel

23rd of October '17 - 4th of November '17 (Week 8-Week 10)
Gilbert Evander Aligoey (0332508)
Illustration and Visual Narrative
Project 2: Graphic Novel

Lecture / Tutorial 8
So, Mr. Hafiz want us to get used at drawing digitally using wacom tablet for our Graphic Novel Project, where he gives us a choice to select any story from the list of story that he gave us. We were given an exercise on how to create our own brush and to draw using stippling technique.

First try at making a ball using our own custom brush
We can look for picture online too for reference in this exercise, so I chose the good looking squidward.
"Handsome and Brave"- that's what I call it
What I did was I tried to draw the image as close as the reference using my brush in stippling method.

So, afterwards I started doing my project by sketching the mindmap of it and the storyboard sketches.

MindMap of "Eldorado"

Examples of the Transistions
More Sketches of the Story

Lecture / Tutorial 9

So, Mr.Hafiz wanted to see our progress on this project while giving us the feedbacks for each one of us. When it was my time to present my work to Mr. Hafiz about how I would illustrate my story, I was not ready, he might think that I wasn't quite creative at illustrating the story, and then I have to choose an art style for my Graphic Novel from my references.

I chose these kind of art style, because I find it appealing in the simplest way it could possibly be, and can can be understanded as it is simple and clean kinda style.

Thumbnails/Overall layout panels that I made

Lecture / Tutorial 10

The lecturer expected us to already animated our work, he said that the animation have to be selective, not all of the objects in there have to be animated. Then after he assess our work, we have to start on the final project, which is making a Web Comic (Parralax) or a Tunnel Book.
So, these are the animation that I made in my panels.

All the Animated Panels 

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