I&VN Week 10 - Week 14 Parallax

9th of Nov '17 - 7th of Dec '17 (Week 10-Week 14)
Gilbert Evander Aligoey (0332508)
Illustration and Visual Narrative
Project 3: Tunnel Book/Webcomic

Project 3 - Parallax Web Comic


An undertaking of a series of illustrations to illuminate narrative spaces and transitions that allow to demonstrate technical and conceptual abilities.
Narratives can be conveyed in many ways. Some narratives follow a traditional linear arc. Other narratives loop in time, flash forward and back, restructure sequence or employ aspect-to-aspect transitions. Some view the same incident from different perspectives. Multiple narratives can be spliced together. Events can be placed in random order. Panels can be subverted. And several narrative threads can be simultaneously told. Narratives can be poetic. They can explore internal emotions instead of external action. They can investigate a central theme. Narratives can be shaped around predetermined rules. They can be reversed, labyrinthine in nature, and involve multiple readings with ambiguous beginnings and endings.


Based on the given narrative you are to create a series of illustration to demonstrate the passage of time that leads to the one piece or concludes it.

All outcomes must utilize at least 3 layers and identify 3 transitional types (Scott McCloud). The outcome may include more than one perspective point, meaning it can be viewed from back to front, right to left vice versa.


Portfolio totals 40% of the final grades. There will be checkpoints and marks shall be awarded at the checkpoint. The total weight of this assignment is 40% of the final marks. 

10 Marks for show of progress on week 10 - 11 Storytelling and storyboarding. Composition and Layers

LO1 Identify and undertake research into specific design problems or issues, and demonstrate an awareness of historical, cultural and contemporary issues.
10 Marks for show of progress on week 11 - 12 Transitions

LO5 Display evidence of creative thinking through the exploration and communication of design concepts.
20 Marks for show of progress on week 12 - 14 Creative Direction and Technical Direction. Suitability of finishing

LO2 Illustrate proficiency in the appropriate use of drawing, or other visual communication techniques in physical and/or digital environments.

LO3 Effectively use tacit making skills and/or traditional media techniques in an appropriate manner.

Note :

Though assignments may differ in category, ultimately marking criteria is based on the learning outcomes of the module. To cross reference the relationship refer to the following: 

Research and Development

LO1 Identify and undertake research into specific design problems or issues, and demonstrate an awareness of historical, cultural and contemporary issues.

Creative Direction

LO5 Display evidence of creative thinking through the exploration and communication of design concepts.

Technical Direction

LO2 Illustrate proficiency in the appropriate use of drawing, or other visual communication techniques in physical and/or digital environments.

LO3 Effectively use tacit making skills and/or traditional media techniques in an appropriate manner.

Work Process

Project 3 : Parallax 

First, I have to come up with a story which the entire project would revolve around. After doing some research, I decided that I would like a story that could be understanded easily, and is illustrated simply and clean. After going through some stories, I finally chose The Sun and The Moon as my story.

The Story of The Sun and The Moon 

“Tell me the story about how the sun loved the moon so much he died every night just to let her breathe.” She asked.

Once during a time when the earth was simple, the Sun shone brighter than anything. The people were grateful and rejoiced every time the sun shone. He brought them joy and hope, he was even the source of their warmth.

But he was lonely, all by himself in the vast skies. He would look down at the people dancing in his radiance and wonder if he was simply destined to a life of solitary. That was the price he paid for being the brightest, he reasoned. 

Then there was the moon. As the sun grew weary and began to disappear, she would rise into the sky, flanked by millions of stars. Her radiance was a sad kind of beauty, one that went unnoticed as people slept. The stars watched her with wishfullness, hoping that one day they would get close enough so she wouldn’t feel so empty. But they couldn’t. The moon was untouchable, surrounding herself with a blanket of darkness through the cold nights.
Until one day when the Sun was sliding out of the Heavens, he caught a glimpse of her. She was peeking up, a rare side of her being exposed to the light. And while the sun could shine, he knew the moon could glow, and a faithful whisper trumped an arrogant shout any day.

So just as the stars were wandering into the night, the sun fell in love like a snowball hurdling down a mountain. How he wished to see her more than the fleeting moments he shared with her at both dawn and dusk. But the moon was untouchable. Uncurable. Unfreeable.

‘Go’ She whispered to him one of those nights, her voice as sweet and sorrowful as the last light of the morning, ‘Go and let me breathe, for you and I have decided fates. You illuminate the day and I cast a glow on the night. We will never be. Our connection would go against what all people believe, all the know’ During the summer he would stay just a little while longer in case she changed her mind. But it was no use.

‘Don’t you dare abandon your blessing of light for my darkness.’ Those were the last words the moon was strong enough to speak to the Sun.” He responded.

The story is fictional about a love story between The Sun and The Moon.
My next task is to set up an art style for the illustrations, and how would I animate it as a parallax. So I research some of the art style that I think would match with this story, and here are some of the references.


I sketched the scenes for the storyboard, which I will use later for digitazing it.

Storyboard rough sketches for the story
After that, all I had to do is digitize it and animate it as a parallax in Adobe Animate. So, here's the illustrations for each panels.

After that, I have to animate it in Adobe Animate, moving each layers such as the space, stars, earth, moon and the sun.

Mr. Hafiz said that we have to submit the parallax work in an HTML file, but when I tried to publish it as HTML, it keeps crashing. Actually when I asked why this happens to almost all computers that I try to publish on, Mr. Hafiz found out that my image files were too big. So, I have to change the files to a smaller size and rearrange everything again. But somehow it keeps crashing, so I asked if I can just submit only the video instead, and Mr. Hafiz is okay with it. So here is the video.

Final Submissions

Google drive link https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19URw4TyM4lLyTJ-NcS8yZ-grzwjdLEEw?usp=sharing


For the first feedback, Mr. Hafiz said that my art style was so similar to an artist that makes flat illustration. The earth planet is so similar to his style, that it would be taken as stealing copyright. So I had to change it.

Mr. Hafiz said that I have to split the images, as I combine them for the parallax animation, make them seperated for each panel so that the file isn't too large which can cause the application to crash.

He said that this illustration is cute, so I guess that means it's good.


Time management is the hardest thing to do for me in these times as I get closer to final weeks. a lot of things has to be done in a short time was quite stressing me out back then. But I know as time pass by I would get to manage my time better.

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