3D Modelling - Project 1

March 31, 2018
Gilbert Evander Aligoey [0332508]
3D Modelling
Week 1

Week 1 : Introduction

The class started off by Mr. Kannan explains us what 3D Modelling is about, he explained the module outline briefly and let us know what projects that we will be doing throughout the course. 

In this module, we will be using Autodesk Maya as our software. We were taught the basics of 3D Modelling, but pretty much just telling us to mess around, have fun using this software because it's too much to take in, as maya software might seem quite complicated and hard to understand for those who just started using it. So while we getting used using maya, Mr. Kannan told us to keep drawing, get ourselves used to see things in 3D, like see things from different perspective just by seeing one side. 

Fig 1. Practices

We were asked to use maya more, getting used to it, so we could get familiar with this new application. After that, we were told to make up a hard surface object in maya, so I did a pokeball.

Fig 2. Modelling Pokeball

Fig 3.Rendered Pokeball

Week 2 : Tutorial & Exercises

On the second week, Mr. Kannan posted a video about basic maya tutorials on Youtube as out tutorials. During in class, Mr. Kannan wanted us to try and model a house, try to get the hang of maya. He gave us this as the reference

Fig.4 Model Reference
He told us to identify the shapes of the reference, and use it as the base of the model. Since the house is looking like block-ish, I use Boxes to model it. Since this is just an exercise to get used to maya, we don't have to make it look exactly like that, he just want to see if we could break down the shapes and basically get the idea of modelling in 3D. So, here's my model.

Fig.5 My model
After that he showed us some tricks and tips we could use to model, and to help us in our first project, which is to model a hard surface.

Week 3 : 

This week, we have to show the lecturer what's our concept for the first project. He have some standarts and he expect us to reach that. Which is challenging and fun, he want us to make the model have some unique feeling in it, not just normal common stuff like house, cars, etc. So we have to make it unique.

Fig.6 My first concept
My first concept is about a steampunk ship that could fly. Mr. Kannan said that it's too common and not really have something unique about it, he said make it look something like an animar=l or a fish or anything. So this is my other concept

Fig.7 Second Concept
This concept is like a shark, it has a thruster engine in it's stomache area, and a cannon in it's mouth.
When I come up with this idea, I didn't have a chance to show it to the lecturer to get any feedback, since the next class we all have to show the model of it in 3d, I just start modelling it.

Fig.8 look one of the model
Fig.9 look two of the model
All the parts in that is all made from basic polygon shapes.
After that, I coloured it. I chose neutral colors and 1 color that will stand out from the other, which is purple pink-ish.

Fig.10 Look 1 of colored model
Fig.11 Look 2 of colored model
Fig.11 Closer Look
Fig.12 Closer Look 2
After I showed the progress to the lecturer, he said add more details.
So, I did it for my final one.

Fig.13 3D Model Showcase Poster
That is the poster for showcasing the model, all of the images of the model was rendered and putted into this poster for overral look. 
Here is the closer look of the models.

Here's the model uploaded on sketchfab

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