3D Modelling - Final Project

21st of Jun '18 - 8th of Jul '18 (Week 12-Week 15)
Gilbert Evander Aligoey (0332508)
3D Modelling
Final Project

Week 13
(21st of June 2018)

On this week, we were given a brief on how our final project need to be, it has to be a scene, a character with a pose or any type of scene that have some kind of a backstory in it or it can be a house or any type of building but it has to have a final worthy kind of model. So i did some sketches and stick up with this kind of design.

Fig 1.a Robot References
For the scene I was thinking to make it like simple but still have that character style, so I was looking for references and found this one.

Fig 1.b Human Reference
After I got my visualisation on what I will make, I started to model it in Maya, I first start from the Robot.

Fig 2.a Robot Front View
Fig 2.b Robot Back View
After that I make the human model.

Fig 3.a Human Front View
Fig 3.b Human Back View
Then I UV map the floor to make it look a bit realistic using Substance Painter.

Fig 4.a Road UV Map
Then I started colouring the models, I made the glass transparent, but in Arnold renderer, it somehow just doesnt read that it transparent, so it kinda look like a really thick and not transparent kind of glass. So this is what I come up with for my final Project.

Fig 5.a Front View

Fig 5.b 3 quarter view

Fig 5.c Top quarter View

Fig 5.d Closeup Shot

Fig 6.a Character Back View

Fig 6.b Back Snapshot

Fig 6.c Side Snapshot

Fig 6.d Character Front View
And finally, this is the final posters;

Fig 7.a Mech Poster

Fig 7.b Human Poster

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