Compositing and Special Effects (Project 1)

Sept 10 '18 - Oct 2 '18
Gilbert Evander Aligoey (0332508)
Compositing and Special Effects
Project 1


Work Progress

At first I was thinking to do a movie title sequence for the movie Lucy, I planned on making the title sequence about how the drug was made at the first place, and add some texts and lines or something to make it a bit technology-ish and kind of mechanical type of stuff.

But then I changed my idea to a sci-fi and fantasy kind of movie, it has that future but an ancient type of feeling. I planned on making the scenes from a game, all the stuff like camera movement, lightings, where to place the stuff, etc, is made in it.
The idea was to make it something like a movie-ish type of title sequence that it's almost like a teaser.
Below is my rough thumbnails for it.

and after doing this, I went and make the scenes and the video.
Afterwards, I started on doing the whole video, with feedbacks from Mr. Kannan and all the revisions, here is the result.

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