Design Research of Methodology

Sept 4 '18 - Dec 11 '18
Gilbert Aligoey (0332508)
Design Research Methodology

Week 1
4th of Sept 2018

On the first week of class, Dr. Yati briefed us about the module outline for this semester. After we got an explanation about the module outline, she gave us a task to choose a topic of research that we wanted to work on. The topic is entirely up to us to choose, it's our own research about something that we are curious and passionate about.
First, we have to think about what topic is it (exp: animation, cinematography, etc), then we narrow it down to a specific area of it, and raise a problem statement. 
My first question was;

"why every design gets simpler and more minimalism as time moves forward ?"

but then Dr. Yati told me to narrow it down to a specific group, so I chose motion graphic as the main subject for minimalism. Why I chose minimalism is because I am curious about it when you see the opening sequence on every movie of videos, they always have motion graphic in it, even youtube videos or vlogs or anything.

Week 2
7th of Sept 2018

Dr. Yati gave us a lecture this week about the correct way to write a problem statement as well as a lecture on the research process. She also asked us to start reading a lot of articles and literature to support our topic of research. Before she ended the class, a few other classmates presented their topic to Dr. Yati for direct feedback.

Week 3
21st of Sept 2018

On the third week of class, no lecture was conducted by Dr. Yati, but instead, we got to learn about information literacy. We were thought on how to search for articles more detailed, and some other stuff regarding Taylor's library portal, and another thing is that we have to use Harvard style of citation when we reference something in our research.

 Week 4
24th of Sept 2018

After some consultation with Dr. Yati about my topic, I decided to change the main area that I wanted to focus from Minimalism to Mobile Game area, I decided to focus on the concept and design of the mobile game itself. So I changed my topic to "Why are there certain mobile games that feel addicting to us ?." 

 Week 5
24th of Sept 2018

When I consult with Dr. Yati, she told me to redo everything because of the format that I use for the research proposal is not correct, as I literally made it like an essay. Another thing is that, she wants my topic to be more focused on something since my topic is still a bit broad. So here is the new topic that I have chosen briefly :

This research focuses on understanding how games can be addictive, what is the cause or effect of video games addiction, and how we as the developers can benefit from this. I chose to do this research because this research has a high chance to be used for projects in the near future.

We all have gone through it or seen it, we were hyped about some particular game that is about to launch, then after we have to get our hands on it for a while, we get bored of it…
Then we search for another game to keep us entertained.

This is a cycle that keeps going in our lives where we keep searching for another product to keep us entertained. How to create something that we can never get enough of ?. What are the elements that make the game addictive? And how to implement it in the game that will be created later on.

  • To be able to understand the elements that make a game addictive
  • To be able to understand the elements that make a game have a good quality content
  • Understand the essential process of developing a game
  • To be able to implement the elements into the game

Problem Statement

There are lots of games out there that was created just in order for them to get more income. Which makes their content doesn’t have a good quality where people would want to play it and have that addictive feeling. They would most likely to just copy other successful games and what they created is not even as good or better as the original one. Most games lack good content, therefore most people play it only to kill time Hence why this research will touch on what makes a game have good quality content and what makes it addictive.

Week 6

1st of Oct 2018

For the first submission, Research Proposal, we were told to look for articles that are connected to our research topic. We have to summarize it and put it as a reference or information that we can use for our research later on.

After that, I consult with Dr. Yati and she told me to change it and add some more details regarding the proposal. So below is what my proposal looks like briefly after the revision.

Besides that, each of us has to present our findings regarding article journals that we found. In my case, I only finished just two critical reviews. The lecturer understands it and told those who haven't finish 12 critical reviews by the time that has been set as the deadline.

Week 7

15th of Oct 2018

In this week, I was trying to make a progress on finishing my critical reviews, where we have to do at least 10 and at most 12 reviews. I managed to finish 10 critical reviews by the end of the week.

Week 8

22nd of Oct 2018

During this week, the submission for the critical review is on the line and iI somehow managed to finish it on time.

Critical Review Document

After that, I started on planning on what methods should I use for my research implementation later on. Regarding the questions that are used for it, it has to not sound biased as well. The question has to not be confusing and make it as simple and understandable as possible.

Research Implementation Presentation Slide

Week 9

29th of Oct 2018

Reviewing over our questions for the implementation was done on this week, where the lecturer would see the presentation from each of us and review whether it is bias, good, questionable and other kinds of considerations. The questions that I have is mostly an open-ended question.

Week 10

5th of Nov 2018

This week is used on waiting for replies from the participants that we chose to answer our question forms.

Week 11

12th of Nov 2018

This week is used on waiting for replies from the participants that we chose to answer our question forms.

Week 12

19th of Nov 2018

During this week, I started on analyzing all the answer and response that I got from the respondents

Week 13

26th of Nov 2018

Progress on making the presentation slide has been started during this week, and the research report as well where we put all the pieces of information from the beginning and compile them all.

Presentation Slide

Week 14

3rd of Dec 2018

On this class, each of us did our presentation and ask them questions regarding the presentations. The presentations are filled with everything that we have found, and compile them all in the simplest form of informations where we can all understand it easily.


Throughout this whole module, it was quite challenging for me, especially me as a non-english speaker to write the P.h.D level type of writing and even do a critical reviews. My critical review got about 67% plagiarized when it was submitted to Turnitin, hence I have to revise it and resubmit it again and got around 21%. Even though not everyone was sure on the things that they want to focus on in the design field, it is totally understandable so we can change it later. For me, I would like to change it to UX Design since I am interested in creating mobile applications and things related to it. The challenge that I faced in this module is, it's hard for me to understand some words since my english skills is not as perfect as the native speaker, and he way to construct the sentences is kind of challenging as well since I have to focus and really understand the message, which then I could give a better explanation of it. But of all things, I do enjoy this research module. I found it challenging and can be fun sometimes, and add more knowledge while doing so.

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