Games Design (Where's My Sandwich)

Gilbert Aligoey (0332508)
Games Design
Final Project

Games Design
Genre   : 2D Platform (Sidescrollers)
Target Audience : +/- 8 - 20 years old
Art Style : 8-bit (pixelated)


On this module, we were tasked to create a 2D Platformer game for the whole semester (Semester 3 currently) independently. From story, concept, characters, animations, special effects, coding, sound, music, etc----we individually have to create our own game. Of course, sound effects and music do not necessarily have to be our own creation, we can get those from the internet as long as we use it strictly for educational purposes and maybe credit them to show some appreciation.

A game which I can just create to play around and see how far I can go and especially experience without limitations is something that I'm aiming for. So one day a stupid idea came to my mind and I thought that it is not that bad..., so yeah... I decided to give it a try.

Below is my story idea, concepts, animations, and more.


A man once woke up craving a sandwich on a beautiful and dazzling morning.
A magical mysterious wizard appeared inside this man’s room..
I heard you wish for a sandwich young man…” said the wizard.
The Wizard continues, “ I shall grant you the finest sandwich you will ever had
that you will not need any more sandwich in your whole life…. BUT…,
you have to go through trials and many obstacles that might costs you
everything to obtain it…."
The man without any hesitation and doubt answered immediately….
Sure… I.. I mean why not…”.

So then it begins…

He searches for the most powerful demon fruit in the world…
He mastered the Ultra Instinct after countless training with the God of Destruction…
In the hunt for the last legendary pokemon in the world….

And finally… He found the treasure that he sought for the longest time….
The Best Sandwich on earth….

He then sobs with tears of happiness and joy as he proceeds and enters this building…
Apparently, The Magical and Mysterious Wizard has been there earlier…,
eating the sandwich the man has been desired for the longest time.
The Wizard says, “ Well…., This is Awkward….”
The man just stares at the wizard with an intense glare…
Have you meet my friend Bob ? He is funny ha ha... Ooops, i got to go, cya. ”, said The Wizard as he left through a magic portal.
The man was stunned, in disbelief and nearly loses his mind says…



My Visual and art style for this game is more to pixel art, I want to make something that felt classic and old school. The setting in this game is in the interior of a building and exterior, for the settings and props, I want to make it modern with a little bit of fantasy touch.

Here's the reference for the main character;

For the main character, I want him to be some kind of a middle aged man that we all can relate to.
The reference for him is the one with a ginger beard wearing a blue and white t-shirt.

and below is the references for the wizard and other enemies,

Basically, any magical creature can be the wizard friends (enemy).

Below are some of the example what I'm trying to go for in art style, animation and direction.

Game Art & Designs

Below is my Animated Design for the Main Character.

Fig 1.a. The Main Character (Idle)

Fig 1.b. The Main Character (Attack)

Fig 1.c. The Main Character (Running)
Fig 1.d. The Main Character (Jumping)

Fig 1.e. The Main Character (Ultimate Attack)
There is a reason why I made my main character as close as to the reference that I found. It is just because I can't really think of any better pixel character which represents a middle-aged guy which looks boring yet fun, corpulent yet fit, lazy but yet adventuresome and many more various reasons, but basically, he just looks perfect for the story that I've created.

Below is my Design for the Enemies.
Fig 2.a. The Wizard (Idle)
Fig 2.b. The Wizard (Attack)

Fig 3.a. Ghoul (Idle)
Fig 3.b. Ghoul (Attack)
Fig 4.a. Bat (Idle)
Below is my Design for the Properties, Collectibles, Obstacles, and others.
Fig 5.a. Sandwich
Fig 5.b. Meteor
Fig 5.c. Dialogue Box
Fig 5.d. Heart
Fig 5.e. Cookie

Fig 5.f. UI Heart Bar

Fig 5.f. UI Cookie PickUp

Fig 5.g. Beam

Fig 5.h. Door

Fig 5.i. First Box
Fig 5.j. Key
Fig 5.k. Boss Door

Fig 5.l. Spikes

Fig 5.m. Box (Unused due to big pixel count)
Fig 5.n. Box (Used one)
Fig 5.o. Tile Sets 1
Fig 5.p. Tile Sets 2
Fig 5.q. Main Menu Background
Fig 5.r. Level 1 Background
Fig 5.s. Level 2 Background
Fig 5.t. Boss level Background
All of the animations were made using, which is a free online editor for animated sprites & pixel art. This doesn't mean that it is easier to do it in this website since a lot of my classmate was using photoshop to create pixel animations so it is entirely up to your preference.
As for the backgrounds, I used Photoshop.


  • Three levels, each with mobs, puzzle, and boss.
  • The audience is teen to adults, 1+
  • Pixelated art style
  • 2D platform gameplay


  • Platformer movement the player can use their keyboard buttons to move the main character left [A], right [D], jump [Space].
  • Combat the player click [P] button to perform a short-ranged attack that injures an opponent, and if the player has a Cookie then [F] button to perform the ultimate attack which shoots out a Beam-ray that destroys any wood walls, boxes, and kills enemies instantly upon its path. 
  • Collectibles the player can move over and collect objects in the form of Heart as their life points and Cookies as their power-up attack. The collectibles have lore and exposition that is presented to the player in the form of UI.
  • Hitpoint system the player can be injured by opponents and traps or can be killed outright by losing enough hitpoints and falling off the platform.
  • Checkpoint system after reaching the next level, a checkpoint is saved which the player can be respawned when they die.
  • Dialogue system the player can understand the story through conversations with the wizard (Boss) or scenarios, the player advances the dialogue by clicking a button.

SFX & Music

The sound effects were mostly taken from other games such as Undertale, Minecraft, 8-bit SFX and from But just take it raw like that won't fit perfectly with our own created game. Hence I edited some SFX to match with the visuals and animations in the game. Especially for the beam attack in this game, the sound was hard to find that matches perfectly with the visual, so what I did was mix dragon ball's "kamehameha" attack where the guy shoots out a laser beam and combine it with some other beam ray sound from, adjust the volume to match with the visual of the game, duplicate the sound at the end of it to give some echo and reverb feel, and add Parametric EQ and adjust the sound to give it more bass or treble sound into it.

Fig 6.a. SFX editing of the beam attack on Adobe Audition

Fig 6.b. SFX editing in Adobe Audition


  • Start Menu when the game is opened, the player is presented with the Main Menu with 2 options; (a) Play to start the game and (b) Quit to exit the game.
  • Escape Menu when the player presses [ESC], a Pause Menu appears that pauses the game. The Pause Menu is presented with (a) Resume to continue the game, (b) Restart to restart the level, (c) Main Menu to go back to the Main Menu and (d) Quit to exit the game.
  • Tool-tips and help text that appears on screen to give the player hints and basic tutorials for gameplay
  • Health-bar which displays the player's hitpoints
  • Cookie Beeps which displays the player's PowerUp
After finished developing the game, I found some bugs but it has been fixed. One thing that bugs me was after I've built the game and run it, some things are not displayed as what it was from the unity scene and game window. Which leads me to fix it more, but I've come to figure that I don't have time and knowledge to refix everything just to get the build part correct. 

Game Art Bible

You can play this game on, even though there is an error in the level 3, due to some technical error that I don't understand, you can still see how the end game goes by watching the video below.

The following is the walkthrough video of this game.


When this semester started, I literally didn't know anything about coding in C# language and because of that, I see this subject as a burden because, among all the modules that I have to go through, game design is one of those that I literally have no much knowledge about. But besides that, I found this module to be fun and giving me the experience on something that I didn't know I would enjoy along the way.

At first, I wanted to do something similar to Limbo game, which has a stunning visual and dramatic feel to it. But that would cost a lot of work and time since this semester has a lot of modules, I
decided to do something that is tangible, something simple yet it is good. I wanted to create something classic. Pixel was the mother of all game designs, therefore I decided to go old-school yet
giving some cool effects into it. I was inspired by Cuphead game which has that old-school feel into
it and yet it's just so good. But because my game is pixelated, I keep everything pixelated to make it
consistent until the end. As for the coding part, it was quite challenging, to be honest. It is basically
like learning a new language. Since I love to solve problems and design things to be at least somehow
decent looking, so basically I'm having fun in this area and hoping that I could use this knowledge at
somewhere in my future career.

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